• school@gmail.com
  • +91 1234567890

Admission Policy for Academic Session 2025-26
School Id No. 1411252

1. Total No. of seats declared : 120 (Pre-School Class)

2. Division of seats



3. Admission Criteria:

S.No.  CriteriaPoints
1.  Neighborhood55
0 – 10 KM  55
Above 10 – 15 KM  45
Above 15 – 20 KM  35
Above 20 KM  No points
2.  Siblings40
3.  Girl child5


4. Documents to be attached at the time of submission of forms:

  • Recent passport size colour photograph of the child, father and mother, duly pasted on specified place marked on the Admission Form.
  • Attested photocopy of Municipal Birth Certificate.
  • Attested photocopy of Aadhar card/UID card issued in the name of any of the Child and parents.
  • Attested photocopy of residence proof (for e.g.) :-
    (i) Ration Card issue in the name of parents (Mother/ Father having name of child).
    (ii) Domicile certificate of child or of his/her parents.
    (iii) Voter I-Card (EPIC) of any parents.
    (iv) Electricity bill/ MTNL telephone bill/Water bill/ Passport in the name of any of the parents or child.
  • Attested Photocopy of Identity Card/ Latest Fee Bill of the sibling issued by the School office for 2024-25
  • Caste Certificate (Only in case of SC /ST/OBC or Minority class)


** Original documents to be produced at the time of admission. The parents will be responsible for all entries in the Admission Form vis a vis its authenticity. If false entries are detected on verification at anytime, the same will lead to disqualification of the candidature, even if admitted.
** Scrutiny of forms and the final selection will be subject to further orders/circulars issued by Directorate of Education Delhi.



S.No.  ParticularsSchedule
1.  Commencement of availability of application form for admission28.11.2024 (Thursday)
2.  Last day of submission of application forms20.12.2024 (Friday)
3.  Uploading details of children who applied to the school for admission under Open Seats.03.01.2025 (Friday)
4.  Uploading marks (as per point system) given to each of the children who applied for admission under Open Seats.10.01.2025 (Friday)
5.  Display of first lists of selected candidates (Including Waiting List)17.01.2025 (Friday)
6.  Resolution of queries of parents regarding allotment of points to their wards in the first list.18.01.2025 (Saturday) to 27.01.2025 (Monday)
7.  Display of Second lists of candidates (If Any) (Including Waiting List)03.02.2025 (Monday)
8.  Resolution of queries of parents regarding allotment of points to their wards in the second list.05.02.2025 (Wednesday) to 11.02.2025 (Tuesday)
9.  Subsequent list of admission, If any26.02.2025 (Wednesday)
10.  Closure of Admission process14.03.2025 (Friday)

Admission Forms will be available from 9:00 a.m to 01:30 p.m.
Admission Forms received after 4:00 pm on 20 December 2024 (Friday) will not be accepted.
Criteria for EWS/DG category admissions shall be as per RTE Act and Directives of Directorate of Education.

Eligibility Criteria

• For Pre School – As per Directorate of Education norms
Less than 04 years as on 31st March of the year in which the admission is sought.

Do you want to get in touch?